Americana 2001


Some of the happy campers who bravely stayed on site.

Mr. Joe Roake and son Chris preparing to serve the masses at Americana. (mental note, beware of the chicken!!!)

Feeding time in the owning.

Shot of the rear view with Simon preparing to show his bottom.

We think this was Simon's and Russell's opinions of the food.....???



Trophy's 2001



Mr. Joe Roake presents the Trophy for "best engine" to Mr. Keith Chisholm.

Mr. Keith Chisholm presents the Trophy for "best interior" to Mr. Keith Kinggett.

Mr. Joe Roake presents the Trophy for "best of Show" to Mr. Keith Chisholm.

Mr. Joe Roake presents the Trophy for "best paint" to Mr. Keith Chisholm.

Mr. Gary and Mrs. Alison Clemson from deepest Hampshire receive the Chairman's choice Trophy as our Southern area Reps.

Mr. Keith Chisholm presents the Trophy for "best 60`s" to Mr. Joe Roake.

Mr. Joe Roake presents the Trophy for "best 70`s" to Mr. Keith Kinggett.

Mr. Keith Chisholm presents the Trophy for "best 80`s" to Mr. Chris Chamberlain (who had just dozed off)

Mr. Keith Chisholm presents the Trophy for "best 90`s" to Mr. John Summers.